Thursday, 19 March 2015

How to transfer PayTM Cash Wallet Balance to Bank Account?

It is a very good news for all that PayTM now officially supports transferring PayTM Cash to Bank. So, you will be now able to load money from bank whole heartedly, because of this reverse transfer system.
PayTM is a online portal for prepaid and postpaid mobile recharge, DTH recharge, Data Card Recharge, Shopping across thousands of products, Sending Money to friends and relatives who lives in distant areas and much more. Many popular websites now uses paytm gateway for accepting payments because it is safe and secure. PayTM is now bringing new features to its website to stand its competition with other brands. It finally brought the method to officially transfer wallet balance to bank account.
Remember, to transfer paytm cash to bank account you need to have a minimum amount of Rs2000 in your PayTM Wallet. If you do not have that minimum threshold amount, kindly add the rest amount from bank and make it Rs2000 and then redeem it through the following steps.
PayTM will deduct 4% of the amount and transfer the rest to your bank account.

Transfer PayTM Cash to Bank Account:

  • Login to PayTM Cash Wallet: [Note: You need a PC and need to browse the web version of PayTM]
  • There you will find 4 tabs just below the Add Money to PayTM Wallet Tab, namely, Latest Transaction, Send Money, Redeem Wallet Cash, Transfer to Bank. 
  • Click on Transfer to Bank Tab. You will see the following
  • Enter Payee Name on the first text box.
  • Enter Bank Name on the second text box.
  • Enter IFSC code of Bank in the next text box. Don’t now what is IFSC code? Check below.
  • Enter your Bank Account No in the next text box.
  • Enter the Amount that you want to transfer to your bank account.
  • Enter any comment if you need to deliver any message along with it in the final text box.
  • Click on Send Money. It will be instantly transferred to your bank account.
  • What is IFSC code?
    IFSC stands for Indian Financial System code. It is unique for every bank and used to identify the bank branch. Generally you can find the IFSC code of your bank on your pass book or cheque book. But if you want, you can find it online too hastle free. Just go to this website and select bank name, state, district and branch, and it will show your IFSC code.

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